For this project students created a collage using torn / cut paper and glue. Students choose a food item for their composition such as their favorite fruit, dessert or entree and used emphasis to create an exaggerated composition. 4th Hour 5th Hour 7th Hour
For this project students created a scratch art etching using the element of art called texture. Students created a scratchboard by applying several colors of crayon to a heavy weight piece of drawing paper. When finished coloring students covered the surface with a black paint mixed with dish soap. To complete the project students created a drawing on the top of the surface that focuses on texture. The drawing was then etched away with a needle tool to review the color below the surface. 4th Hour 5th Hour 7th Hour
For this project students created a painting using the element of art called Emphasis and color. Students chose 3 to five varieties / colors of candy to use for their composition. They emphasized their candy choices by drawing them colossal or larger than life on their paper. Students then painted their composition using the primary and secondary colors. 1st Hour 2nd Hour 6th Hour
For this project students created a scratch art etching using the element of art called texture. Students created a scratchboard by applying several colors of crayon to a heavy weight piece of drawing paper. When finished coloring students covered the surface with a black paint mixed with dish soap. To complete the project students created a drawing on the top of the surface that focuses on texture. The drawing was then etched away with a needle tool to review the color below the surface. 4th Hour 5th Hour 7th Hour
For this project students studied pointillism by creating an image made entirely from a series of small dots. Students createe a scene or landscape of a landmark or monument like those created by Georges Seurat. Students also incorporated depth and space by including a foreground, middle-ground, and background into their scene. 1st Hour 2nd Hour 3rd Hour 6th Hour
Paper Mosiacs:For this project students created a wall art mosaic using construction paper as the medium. Students created an original design as well as the direct method of mosaic construction to add paper tessera’s to the design. 1st Hour 2nd Hour 3rd Hour 6th Hour